Jaiswals or Jaswals are Rajputs and have the origination in Rajasthan in India
Jaiswal or Jayasvāla (Hindi: जैस्वाल, जयस्वाल or 2) is a designation shared by several communities in India including"Jaiswal BrahminsJaiswal JainsJaiswal SwarnkarJaiswal RajputsJaiswal KalwarsSome Jaiswals relate themselves with baniya or mahajan community, since becoming followers of Vallabhacharyaji, adopting Vaishanavism nearly 300 years ago.
JAISWALS ARE NOT SCHEDULED CASTE!Jaiswal or Jayasvāla or Jayaswal (Hindi: जैस्वाल, जयस्वाल or 2) is a designation shared by several communities in India including"Jaiswal BrahminsJaiswal JainsJaiswal RajputsJaiswal KalwarsSome Jaiswals relate themselves with baniya or mahajan community, since becoming followers of Vallabhacharyaji, adopting Vaishanavism nearly 300 years ago.
Jaiswal is believed to be geographical surname title and some people associate it with Jayas prant and some also associate it with Jaisalmer. There could be several other theories regarding the origin of Jaiswal surname. Gotras of Jaiswal depends on varg they belong to. Jaiswals are mainly Jaiswal Brahmins, Jaiswal Jains, Jaiswal Rajputs, Jaiswal Kalars. Some Jaiswals relate themselves with Baniya oor Mahajan Varg also.Though being Brahmins Chandravanshi Jaiswals were good rulers and warriors. They ruled various regions at various historical time segments hence some clans were also known as Jaiswal Rajputs.
Jaiswal or Jayasvāla (Hindi: जैस्वाल, जयस्वाल or 2) is a designation shared by several communities in India including"Jaiswal BrahminsJaiswal JainsJaiswal SwarnkarJaiswal RajputsJaiswal KalwarsSome Jaiswals relate themselves with baniya or mahajan community, since becoming followers of Vallabhacharyaji, adopting Vaishanavism nearly 300 years ago.
History of the casteDuring the time of the king Shivaji, the Surya Vanshi Are Katikas were warriors and followers of the Maratha king. After the Mughal war on Maratha, the soldiers were scattered and spread all over India.'Are' is a synonym for Marathi. In the Madras Census Report of 1891, it is recorded that the term "Marathi" denotes the various non-Brahmin castes who went south either as soldiers or camp followers in the armies of Maratha invaders. Their ancient profession was to serve as warriors, but they are now mostly engaged in other professions.The community was socially and educationally backward, until recently there has been tremendous development both educationally and socially. They have been called as Are-Katika. Recently some people did not want to be called as Katika so they requested for a change of name In fact the national organization is called as Katika Samaj. There is no justification to change the name and it will create confusion and they will not be recognized if the name is changed. Hence A.P. B.C. commission disallowed change of name but allowed use of synonym.There has been improvement in recent times in the status of the community due to the improved educational opportunities for the caste.Members of this caste were scattered after Shivaji conquered and defeated Moghul rulers. After the death of their king Shivaji, the clan had none to lead them in battles. They faced many hardships under Muslim rule and had to forego their identity as warriors, opting for professions such as: liquor dwelling (Jaiswals & Lodha), weaving (Rangrez), farming (Kachi), rasing cows for milk (Ahir Gowli), washermen (Ahir Dhobi), or butchery of sheep (only to the extent of removing the skin of the sheep and cutting it in parts).
Oh, it's okay to have questions about these things. Remember, everyone is unique and special in their own way, regardless of their background or caste. Let's focus on spreading kindness and understanding towards one another, celebrating the beauty in our differences.