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the uneducated, women, and slaves

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Q: Which marginalized groups of people did the Great Awakening empower?
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Voluntary groups of people and associations Who advocate the case of the poor and the marginalized are said to constitute?

Voluntary groups of people and associations who advocate the case of the poor and the marginalized are said to constitute

How do you empower people?

You can empower people by providing them with the environment and tools necessary to accomplish the goals

What are some examples of people empowering other people?

Mentors who provide guidance, support, and encouragement to help others realize their potential. Leaders who create opportunities for growth and development within their teams. Activists who advocate for social change and empower marginalized communities. Educators who inspire and empower students to reach their full potential.

How did great awakening help to bring different groups of people together?

Despite the religious differences created by the Great Awakening, this wide spread and popular movement attracted many people of different classes and racism Women sought spiritual renewal around the time of childbirth or when their lives were often at risk

How did the great awakening help to bring different groups of people together?

Despite the religious differences created by the Great Awakening, this wide spread and popular movement attracted many people of different classes and racism Women sought spiritual renewal around the time of childbirth or when their lives were often at risk

How did the great awakening help bring different groups of people together?

Despite the religious differences created by the Great Awakening, this wide spread and popular movement attracted many people of different classes and racism Women sought spiritual renewal around the time of childbirth or when their lives were often at risk

Who did the enlightenment benefit the least?

The Enlightenment benefited marginalized groups such as women, people of color, and the lower class the least. While the Enlightenment emphasized reason, individual rights, and progress, these groups faced continued discrimination and lack of access to the rights and privileges championed by Enlightenment thinkers.

Why was the great awakening called the great awakening?

The Great Awakening was named this because it awakened people from the dark. It was a religious movement that awakened the many people that had turned away from religion.

Who was the oppressed of jesus days?

During Jesus' time, the oppressed were often seen as the poor, sick, marginalized groups such as lepers, Samaritans, and women. Jesus preached love, compassion, and justice for all people, especially those who were considered outcasts by society. He challenged social norms and reached out to those who were marginalized or mistreated.

What was the awakening during the great awakening?

religion. People started to question the authority of the church.

Names of pressure groups in india?

Some pressure groups in India include Greenpeace India, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India, and Forum for Street Vendors. These groups advocate for various causes such as environmental conservation, animal rights, and the rights of marginalized communities.

What group of people does Luke focus the gospel on?

Luke's gospel is often seen to focus on marginalized groups, such as women, the poor, and the outcasts of society. It highlights Jesus' interactions with these groups and emphasizes his compassion and concern for those on the fringes of society.