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Q: Which group of people did not share in the prosperity of 1920's?
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What group did not share in the prosperity of the 1920s?

There were several groups did not share in the prosperity of the 1920s. One of those groups were sharecroppers of the deep South. They were still poverty stricken.

What group of people didnt share in the wealth of the 1920s?

The Aristocrats (upper & upper-upper class)

Farmers did not share in the general prosperity of the 1920s because overproduction kept farm prices low?

Nova net; True

Who did not share in the prosperity of the 1920?

Rural areas did not benefit - the boom was 'city-based'. At least half of all Americans did not benefit from the 1920s economic boom. Whilst some Americans.

A group of people who share a culture is known as a?

Ethnic group.

What is a group of people who share the same ancestors culture language or religion?

A group of people who share the same ancestors, culture, language, or religion is commonly referred to as an ethnic group.

What is a recognized group of people who share a language culture or religion?

an ethnic group

What is a group of people who share the same customs and language?

an ethnic group, or culture

What is a group of people who share a goal and work to influence government policy?

An interest group

What is a group of people who share a goal and work influences government policy?

intrest group

What do a group of people join to share a common intrest?

I believe that would be an interest group.

What is a group of people who share commander origins or customs?

A group of people who share common origins or customs is called an ethnic group. This term refers to a community of people who identify with each other based on common ancestral, cultural, or social experiences.