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France. They are taught to be polite, to repress all their negative feelings and that ends so they hate each other very thoroughly but can gets out only as very intense passive aggressiveness. Trivial example: guy standing on the doors of the metro, although there's enough space elsewhere in the car, just to block the way, just to show "I'm here and I will create trouble for you, this is my desperate act, please acknowledge my existence because otherwise nobody else cares". Movies to watch that describe this sentiment: "La Haine" and "Caché". France also has pretty high consumption of antidepressants, one of the highest in Europe next to Sweden. For almost 10 years now majority of people support dangerous nationalistic ideas, that will eventually drag country in economic and civil turmoil. Problems for France and French begun when they lost the position as one of the world's great nations (that they had till WWII), the fact that they had to learn to communicate with other cultures as equal (not just as extension of their own culture, but it its own right) and often to even learn other languages. This shift of focus was a gigantic blow for their egos, around which everything was turning till that moment. Solution to this is that people start to express their anger and disappointment in more free and open way, to try to explain origins of their frustrations, to acknowledge that French state committed crimes against humanity relatively recently (WWII, Algeria) and that it has supported dictatorships around the world (Libya, Tunisia, several african countries still) but that doesn't mean that they personally are responsible for everything French state does, unless they vote for the option that endorses such policy. It's a big state that makes a lot of problems in the world under the pretense of spreading liberty and enlightenment, but since ordinary people feel so powerless they chose to ignore everything and just turn into themselves, even more amplifying initial passive aggressiveness. Also, they should learn that appreciating value of somebody else doesn't mean losing your own value. Right now, critical mass necessary for this change to happen is pretty small, and getting even smaller, unfortunately. So France will still be world's most passive-aggressive country.

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Q: Which country has the most passive-aggressive people?
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