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all of Europe, India, Middle East and Western Asia. Countries with caucasians currently as the majority include the same as of origin, the Australian continent, and both American continents.

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Q: Which countries have caucasian origin?
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Who the albanians's athnicity is?

It is caucasian origin

Are Filipino's caucasian?

No, Filipinos are not Caucasian. Filipinos are classified as part of the Southeast Asian ethnic group. The term "Caucasian" typically refers to individuals with origins in Europe, North Africa, or West Asia.

Number of Asians caucAsians and africans in the world?

By adding all the population of Caucasian origin countries, or Asian or African, you will not find the true number of asians caucasians or africans in the world seeing how most countries have all races living there. But this is the only way in doing so, and the majority of these race origin countries are of the origin race. Race does not necessarily depend on the colour of your skin, but the origin of your ancestors. The major fact about Caucasians is that they developed from the Caucus Mountains and have lighter skin colours. Africans originate from Africa and have darker skin colours. Asians do not lose the fold in their eyes from birth, and originate from Eastern Asia. First off, the Asians. Asian origin countries are not every country in Asia, in fact, most of Asian countries are of Caucasian decent. The only true Asian part of Asia is the Far East. By taking the population of all the Asian origin countries and Native American population (because they too are of Asian decent, migrating from Eastern Asia) You will get 2,088,685,120, the approximate population of Asians in the world. Secondly, lets look at the countries of Caucasian origin, the continent of Europe, The Americas, Australia, and South Africa. With all populations of those countries combined we get 3,242,156,710, the approximate population of Caucasians in the world. Lastly, the Africans. The continent of Africa and Caribbean Islands,not including Cuba and Puerto Rico. The combined populations total to 893,780,330. If you combine the total Asian caucasian and African population, you will get the population of Earth. Let's round each population to the nearest 100,000,000. So Asians account for 2,100,000,000 humans, Caucasian account for 3,200,000,000 humans, and Africans account for 900,000,000 humans. So the total population of Earth is approximately 6,300,000,000. Asians account for 1/3 of the Earth, or about 34%. Caucasians account for about 1/2 of the Earth, about 51%. Africans therefore account for 15% of the Earth.

What parts of the world countries Christianity is popular in?

Usually where the caucasian people are...

How many countries in europe are landlocked?

If the Caucasian countries are counted as part of Europe, then Europe has the most landlocked countries, at 19.

What is the general ethnicity of the United Kingdom?

Most people are of white (Caucasian) origin but there are many significant minorities.

Is Caucasian European?

No. Caucasian is a euphemism for White and is a race. Races are much broader than ethnicities and refer to general gradations in skin color as opposed to nations or regions of origin, which is what ethnicities refer to.

How do you spell cacasian?

The correct spelling is "Caucasian." It refers to people originating from the Caucasus region, which includes countries like Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan.

What are Buddhism countries of origin?

The origin of Buddhism is INDIA.

Are all countries in Asia Asian?

Technically, yes. However, not all Asian countries are composed of East Asians (ex. Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Vietnamese, Thai, etc.). In fact, a large percentage of Asian countries are predominantly Caucasian.

Where does the Caucasian come from?

Caucasian means 'resident of the Caucasus', a mountainous area formed where the European tectonic plate is making contact with the Arabian tectonic plate. This place is believed to be the ancestral origin of White man, which is why whites are called caucasians.

What color is caucasian?

It's not really a particular colour. It just means people with European or North African/Middle Eastern origin.