Bikki belongs to Kamma caste
narendra belongs to the caste chowdary or kappu.this is one of the name of kings
It belongs to Brahmin caste. I know that becoz I belong to same family name.
wrong.. his name itself specified his caste is PILLAI
The last name Shaw does not inherently belong to a specific caste as surnames are not directly tied to caste identities. Caste system is a social structure found in certain societies, particularly in South Asia, where individuals are grouped into hierarchical categories based on birth, occupation, and social status. Surnames may have originated from various sources such as occupation, location, or even personal characteristics, but they do not determine one's caste. It is important to note that the caste system is a complex and nuanced social phenomenon that goes beyond just surnames.
he belongs to sub caste of yadavs
It belongs to a high caste
Yuddandi belongs to Jangam caste
no.menda belongs to velama caste which is kshatriya clan. manda belongs to scheduled caste.
Vishen belongs to the Hindu Vaishnav Vanik caste.
Biswas sername belongs to "SCHELUDED CASTE" .