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There are many aboriginal people around the world, if your question refers to Australia :

The Aboriginal Land Rights Act was passed in 1976

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The Commonwealth Electoral Act gave aboriginals the right to vote. Aboriginals were granted full voting rights in 1962.

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Q: When did aboriginals get the right to vote?
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What year did blacks lose the right to vote?

Aboriginals lost the right to vote in 1901 and these rights were not regained until after the Australian citizenship referendum in 1967

Who gave aboriginals the right to vote?

This question should spell shame to the ignorant public. Aboriginals are native to the land, why shouldn't they have the right to vote. It is like saying, you are the landlord of this house but have no say or rights whatsoever. Do you like it? Generally, the right to votes is laid down in the Constitution.

How many years did it take for aboriginals get the right to vote?

In Canada, Aboriginal people gained the right to vote without losing their status in 1960. Before then, if an Aboriginal person wanted to vote, they would have to forfeit their status as an Aboriginal.

Who said Aboriginals can't vote?

Stupid People

Why weren't aboriginals allowed to vote?

Becaouse the weren't allowed to ................................

Why were aboriginals allowed to vote?

It's called universal suffrage.

What rights were denied the Aboriginals?

Aboriginals were once denied the right to vote or drink, they were denied fair wages, for many years they had to apply for permission to travel and for many years they were denied their own children, as they were removed and placed into group homes.

How has Robert Menzies shaped the face of Australia?

Robert Menzies has shaped the face of Australia because in 1962 he gave the Aboriginals a right to vote. Also Robert brought the Liberal Party into Australia.

What is suffrage?

The right to vote.

When did aboriginal women get the right to vote in Canada?

Same time as other women. Federally, The Dominion Elections Act was passed in 1920. It gave women, except for First Nations women, the right to vote. Inuit and Aboriginals, both male and female were denied the right to vote. Prior to this, different provinces passed legislation allowing women to vote in provincial elections.

What right was denied to women After the Revolutionary?

the right to vote The right to vote

What right was denied to What right was denied to women after the Revolutionary War?

the right to vote The right to vote