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The Navajo people did not traditionally use tipis. They lived in wood and earthen buildings called hoghan. Today, if you see tipis on the Navajo Nation they are usually being used for a Native American Church ceremony. They are usually made of canvas.

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Q: What where the tipis that the Navajo tribe made where made out of?
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The Navajo didn't traditionally live in tipis, they lived in hogan. Today a few people still live in hogan and others have them only for ceremonies. Today, sometimes you see tipis on the Navajo Nation, usually these are being used for a Native American Church ceremony (NAC). NAC came to the Navajo Nation from other tribes who did use tipis starting in the 1930s. The NAC came from the Comanche from the Lipan Apache from the and the Carrizo/Comecrudo in south Texas and then to Oklahoma to the Kiowa and Caddo.