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The two most important things to the Plains Indians were Buffalo and earth lodges

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Q: What were the two most important resources to the Plains Indians?
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What was the most important natural resources for the plains Indians?

Buffalo and water were the most important Natural Resources for the Great Plains Indians.

What was the most important resource for the great plains Indians?

Buffalo and water were the most important Natural Resources for the Great Plains Indians.

What was the most important natural resource for the great plain Indian?

Buffalo and water were the most important natural resources for the Great Plains Indians.

What was the most important resource of the plains resources?

Buffalo were Plains People's most important resource.

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Most important animal to the plains indians?

Bison, also known as the buffalo.

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What were the two most important resources to the Plain Indians?

the two most important resources were: 1 buffalo/bison 2 water they needed both of these to survive their lives so these are the most important. -BIRTHDAY girl

After the buffalo the most important animal to the Plains Indians was the?

The buffalo, out of which came their clothing, shoes, food, and shelter.

What Indians live in teepee?

Most plains Indians such as, Kiowa, Blackfoot and Sioux.

Did the Plains Indians have art?

Most plains Indians had art in the form of cave paintings, or even painted things such as animal skins depicting hunting scenes or nature. The plains Indians also had painted pottery and jewelry.

What was the most important food on the Great Plains?

The buffalo was the most important food on the Great Plains.