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Q: What were the roles of the men in Songhai culture?
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Do women experience culture the same way as men do?

Because of the diffrerent roles both women and men play, they have different experiences.

What were the jobs of men in songhai?

they had to work

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The men had great authority over their families but they had a lot of duties.

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What is Songhai Clothing like?

Songhai clothing is typically made of colorful fabrics and features intricate embroidery and patterns. Men often wear loose-fitting robes called "boubous," while women wear long wraparound skirts with matching tops. Traditional headwraps are also commonly worn by both men and women in Songhai culture.

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men: warriors, protectors of the tribe. woman, the person that calls meetings and welcomes guests. kaumatua (elders) are both men and woman that are highly respected

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The men's roles were to hunt, fish, and build houses.

What does the passage reveal about gender roles in Esquivels culture?

The passage reveals that gender roles in Esquivel's culture are traditional and patriarchal, with men expected to be the primary breadwinners and women expected to fulfill domestic duties like cooking. The emphasis on men being the ones who provide for the family and women being the ones who care for the home reflects a division of labor based on gender.

In Songhai how was the women treated?

In Songhai, women had relatively high social status and were involved in various aspects of society. They could own and inherit property, engage in trade, and have political influence as queen mothers or advisors to the king. However, they were still subject to certain gender roles and expectations, and their opportunities and rights were not equal to those of men.

How does a man date a woman with no money?

Unlike women men don't really think about women the same way that women think about men. Women want men with good stable jobs so that he can be a provider for her and her offspring. It is part of our culture in the society that we live in that we established these gender roles. Gender roles are roles that men and women play because that is what our society expects of them. One of the gender roles is that a man should be a provider for his wife and children. When a guys dates a women with no money he does not care. He wants to be attracted to her and that she treat him nice.

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What are the roles of men in Zulu?

In Zulu culture, men traditionally hold roles as providers, protectors, and leaders within their families and communities. They are responsible for upholding cultural customs, participating in rituals, and passing down knowledge to younger generations. Men also play a key role in activities such as hunting, herding livestock, and building homes.