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the idea that everyone should have a say

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Q: What were the democratic principles of the Iroquois?
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What type of democratic system does the Iroquois have?

The Iroquois Confederacy had Representative democracy.

Which native American group formed a democratic confederacy?

the Iroquois

Which document is best described as a statement of democratic principles rather than a framework for government?

The Declaration of Independence is best described as a statement of democratic principles.

What is the difference between democratic and nondemocratic?

The two terms are necessarily opposite. Democratic is defined as supporting democracy and/or its principles, while nondemocratic is that which does not support or espouse democratic principles.

Which document is best described as a democratic principles rather than a framework for government?

The Declaration of Independence is best described as a statement of democratic principles.

What is democratic definition?

Supporting democracy or its principles.

Which aspect of U.S. democratic process was borrowed from the Iroquois Confederation?

Consent between House and Senate

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How do the democratic principles in the bill of rights demonstrate the triumph of parliament?

It didnt

How do the democratic principles in the English bill of rights demonstrate the triumph of?

It didnt

What are the Principles of democratic rule?

The basic principle of democratic rule is that the ruler is chosen by those that are ruled in free and confidential elections.

What was the union of Burma formed for?

The Union of Burma (NCUB) works on democratic principles to achieve a democratic federal system in Burma.