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the Mississippian settlement of cahokia

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Q: What was the important ancient Anasazi Indian center in New Mexico that included a pueblo of six hundred interconnected rooms?
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What is the Important ancient anasazi Indian center in New Mexico that included a pueblo of six hundred inteconnected rooms?


Where can you find pictures of Anasazi?

There are no pictures of the Anasazi, as they were an ancient people.

How do you spell Julie in Anasazi language?

We have no evidence of what the ancient Anasazi language was like.

Did the Anasazi have ballcourts?

No, the ancient Mayans did.

How do you say father in anasazi?

We have no evidence of what the ancient Anasazi language was like or what their words may have been.

Who is famous anasazi Indian?

There were none that we know of because the Anasazi were an ancient people who left no records.

What is the name of an ancient American tribe?

The Anasazi.

What ancient Indian group built pueblos?

The Anasazi

What Indian tribe were known as cliff dwellers?

There is debate (among all) as to which current tribes are descendants of the Pueblo Builders (c.1200 BC); known generally as "Ancient Puebloans" or "Anasazi" the latter word being Navajo for "Ancient Ones" or "Ancient Enemy."

What is the Anasazi word for grass?

Little is known of the ancient Anasazi language, especially what they would have used for particular words.

Should you call the Anasazi Ancient Pueblo or Anasazi?

Anasazi is from a Navajo word meaning ancestors of enemies or strangers (not Navajo). Most modern Pueblo people who are their descendants prefer Ancestral or Ancient Pueblo peoples. The Hopi prefer Hisatsinom.

Who were the ancient anasazi?

Ancient Pueblo People or Ancestral Puebloans were an ancient Native American culture centered on the present-day Four Corners area of the Southwest United States, noted for their distinctive pottery and dwelling construction styles. The cultural group is often referred to as the Anasazi.