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Q: What was maheo trying to do in the Cheyenne myth?
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Who is Maheo?

he is the creator of everything according to a Cheyenne myth

What is a good summary of how the world was made a Cheyenne myth retold by Alice Marriott and Carol K Rachlin?

In the Cheyenne myth as retold by Marriott and Rachlin, the world was created by Maheo, the Great Spirit. Maheo sent his helper, Grandmother Spider, to spin a web to connect the Earth to the skies. Through the elements of earth, water, wind, and fire, Maheo shaped the world and created animals, birds, and humans. The Cheyenne people believe in living in harmony with the natural world as part of Maheo's creation.

How the world was made a Cheyenne myth?

the world was made by god

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What is a summary of How the World Was Made A Cheyenne Myth as retold by Alice Marriott and Carol K Rachlin?

The Cheyenne creation myth as retold by Alice Marriot and Carol Rachlin is similar to the Christian creation story. It basically tells of how Maheo, the "All Spirit" created the heavens and the earth. Maheo is the creator of all things - the All Spirit. He has the power to create anything. In his solitary existence, he decided it would be beneficial to create living things. So he created, in turn - the ocean with a sand and mud floor, water beings (fish, mussels, snails, crawfish), birds of all sorts, and light. A female snow goose came to him and asked for the ability to fly, which he granted. The birds thus took flight and darkened the sky. They grew tired, and a male loon came to him and asked for land. Maheo granted it, but to do so he needed the help of all the sea creatures, so that they might find land. The snow goose went down to the bottom of the sea - well, tried, more like. She could not find any land for Maheo to work off of. Then all of the others tried with no avail. Finally a little coot paddled to him and he too tried to find land. Unlike the others who flew and dove into the water, he just turned and swam. After being gone for an extremely long time, he returned with mud. Maheo used it to create land, using an old female turtle to put it on, forming the earth. Having done this, he gave the planet trees, grass, and flowers. He created from himself two humans - a man and a woman - to show his love for the turtle. Those two had many children (which had more, etc) and seperated. He gave the people animals to eat or use however they needed, and then the buffalo to serve all needs.

In How the World Was Made Maheo is?

The All-Spirit and using his Power, he created the world.

Why is cheyenne trying to split us up?

because he doesnt want us to get pregnat!!

What are the Cheyenne beliefs?

Like other native American cultures, the pre-European Cheyenne celebrated an Earth religion. Very simply put there is Mother Earth, Father Sky, the four spirits of the compass and animals/plants which are expressions of spirit-beings. Today there is a variety of religious beliefs among the people including Christianity (especially Catholic and Mennonite) and the American Indian church.

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He was trying to dispel the myth that the founding fathers actually intended to manipulate the constitution for their own benifits.

Are the Democrats trying to force the stock market down?

The democrats have no such intentions. That is a myth.

Are leeches in Cheyenne Wyoming?

I found some in my bubbler yesterday and was trying to find out more about them, so they are definitely here.

What is another word for myth?

made up. unreal. but if you were trying to rhyme it would be fifth.