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Q: What was farmed hunted of gathered by the Navajo?
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What do Navajo Indians do hunt or gather?

They farmed, herded, huntered and gathered.

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Hunted, farmed, fished and gathered natural foods.

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Hunted and gathered wild plants.

How did the Iroquois get the food?

They hunted, gathered, and farmed a little.

How did the Navajo get there food they ate?

Every American Indian tribe that we know of took part in hunting and fishing to get fresh meat to eat. Most, however hunted and fished, gathered, farmed, and raised domesticated animals

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there both polythistic and men hunted and the women gathered and farmed.

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they farmed using iron tools, hunted/gathered and domesticated animals for resources

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They grew and planted food. They farmed, hunted, fished, and gathered food.

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The Mayans were very active with nature. They Farmed, Hunted and Gathered berries. The Mayans were mainly concerned with astronomy and mathematics.

What are the social systems?

They didn't really have one; their society was set out like that - Families (male ruled) evolutionary, from family to villageMen hunted; women gathered / farmed.

How did hunter- gAtherers live?

They hunted and gathered.

Did the Navajo Indians food differ according to the season?

Wild food that they gathered or hunted varied from season to season but the staple of the Navajo diet was corn and mutton and that was the same year round. It is still very important.