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Q: What term is used to describe a location with many different cultural groups?
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The term used to describe the location with many different cultural groups?

culturally diverse

The term used to describe a location with many different cultural groups is?

culturally diverse

The coexistence of different cultural groups in one location is referred to as?

cultural diversity

What term means different cultural groups in one location?

culturally diverse

What is cultural diversity?

it is the state of having a variety of cultures in the same area.

Different ethnic groups in the Philippines?

the different etnic groups are classified as CHRISTIANIZED,ISLAMIZED and CULTURAL COMMUNITIES

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What are the Features of a multi-cultural society?

A multicultural society is characterized by the presence of diverse cultural groups coexisting harmoniously. Features include cultural diversity, acceptance and celebration of different traditions, languages, and customs, promotion of tolerance and understanding among different groups, and opportunities for cultural exchange and learning.

Definition of cultural convergence?

Cultural convergence refers to a movement towards a global cultural unity. It aims to lessen the tensions between groups from different cultural backgrounds.

How are Rites of Passage different across cultural groups?

If there are different kinds of religions there are different kinds of rites of passage.

The Lapita branched off into two different cultural groups the Maori and .?
