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Q: What states touch the Navajo reservation?
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Related questions

What desert did the Navajo live in?

The Navajo (Dine') Reservation is in the Great Basin Desert region of the southwestern United States.

Where are the Navajo tribes located?

The Navajo is the largest tribe of Native Americans in the United States. The 17-million acre Navajo reservation includes land in Arizona, New Mexico, Utah and a small part of Colorado. The Navajo Reservation is the largest reservation in the US.

What is a Navajo Reservation?

their land

Where is the place where the corners of four states meet in Arizona?

The Four Corners Monument is on the Navajo Reservation.

Where were the Navajo Reservation?

America, in nevada.

Which is the largest Reservation in the US?


Is Navajo in Arizona?

No, Navajo is not a country. Navajo is the name of a Native American tribe. The Navajo Nation is the largest federally recognized tribe in the United States. The Navajo Reservation is located in the southwestern United States in Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah.

Who are the Navajo?

The Navajo or Navaho (Dine') are the largest federally recognized tribe of Native Americans in the United States. They live in the southwestern US, in the Four Corners region, in the US states of Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah. The Navajo Nation, an independent government body, manages the Navajo Indian Reservation.

What is the largest Indian reservation in America?

The Navajo reservation in the American southwest is the largest.

Why does the Navajo Reservation in Arizona observe daylight saving time?

Daylight saving time is observed in the Navajo Reservation in Arizona to align with the time changes of neighboring states and conform to daylight saving time laws at the federal level to maintain consistency and facilitate coordination with surrounding areas for various activities and services.

What are the 4 corner states of Colorado?

The other 3 states besides Colorado are New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah

What reservations do Navajos live in?

The Navajo reservation