There were different Apache tribes and all were essentially nomadic, following the buffalo herds and other game, anticipating the seasonal changes, etc. Mostly they were based in Texas, which was also, at one time, a separate country. Remember the Alamo?
the Pomo Indians made pretty baskets
Well, when a Mommy Apache and a Daddy Apache like each other very much..
the reason is that the apache Indians didint trust each other anymore and they wreant focused on the empire and the Indians from other lands took over it
Apache Indians ate corn, squash, beans, and other foods.
they raped each other
The Plains Apache were nomadic peoples and traveled to follow the buffalo when they migrated. I haven't really learned much about other Apache tribes...
they liked their own and each other buttholes
Apache is not one language but a group of related dialects, which are all closely related to Navajo.In Jicarilla, the word for wolf is bai-e-tso, while black is dihl-i-li.In other Apache dialects wolf is ban-chu and black is dihl-kih.In Navajo the words are mai-i-tso and dilh-kih.
Native Americans live everywhere, North, South, East, and West.... and we are not just one group, there are many different tribes, even ones that I havent even heard of. Where I live in Oklahoma the main tribes that am surrounded by now are Comanche, Kiowa, Apache, Cheyenne, Seminole, Navajo, and some other tribes that I can not think of right now!!!! I myself am Kiowa, Cheyenne, and Navajo...