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Q: What is true about the myth about pilgrims saying that they shared pumpkin pie and corn on the cob and sweet potatoes or yams with the wampanoag?
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Where did the saying cheater cheater pumpkin eater come from?

It was not 'cheater, cheater pumpkin eater,' but originally 'Peter, Peter pumpkin eater.'

What is the cat saying on the Barking Pumpkin Records label logo?

Barking Pumpkin Records is Frank Zappa's now defunct record label. According to Frank, the cat on the label is saying ''radio''.

Where did the saying friends are like potatoes if you eat them they will die come from?

Edward Monkton.

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The compact was written by the pilgrims saying that they were creating self government

Why did the Pilgrims celebrate Halloween?

All Hallows' Eve is the original way of saying Halloween. It's a term to refer to the Eve of All Saints. All Saints' Day falls on November 1st. Neither of those dates were celebrated by the Pilgrims. The Pilgrims considered the dates links with the Roman Catholic Church against which they were dissenters.

What is the thing in ra the sun god's hand?

as the old saying goes, "where there's a will, there's a pumpkin pie." i believe that sums it up quite nicely.

Why does our country celebrate thanksgiving?

We celebrate Thanksgiving in a whole reason of saying thank you to everyone and everything. Also Thanksgiving is to also be reuniting with family and friends and just discussing how life is and being appreciative.

Does eating raw potatoes give you a fever?

I have been poking around in forums and stuff. and people are saying yes becaus they have a tiny amount of toxine in when raw.which disaperes when cooked.

How come people eat pie?

Here are all the possible answers I can think of-Its sweet-Its tasty-You can have all kinds of different flavors like apple, coconut, blueberry, rhubarb, etc.-It is a traditional food for a lot of families on holidays. The most popular pie eating day is probably Thanksgiving, but quite a few people eat pie on Christmas.-Its fun to make-Its easy to pick up from the bakery-People sometimes buy pie to smash them in peoples faces or to do pranks.-Pumpkin pie is extremely popular on Thanksgiving, along with apple.-The Pilgrims ate it (I think)-People like the things inside the crust like apple, strawberry, pumpkin, etc.-People like the crusts, cookie crust and regular crust-People have sweet tooths-They're pretty inexpensive to buy-Making them with a family brings people together.-ITS TASTY!Just saying, this is kind of an obvious and well, dumb, if you don't mind me saying, question.

What chloves do they need to bring to hajj?

Two white untailored sheets of cloth are required to put on during Hajj and Umrah. But after completing Umrah or hajj, the pilgrims put on routine clothes while performing Tawaf and saying prayers.

Who said give or give me death?

This is from a Farside cartoon by Gary Larson. Patrick Henry was the American revolutionary who is famously quoted as saying "Give me liberty, or give me death!" In the cartoon, Patrick Henry is having dinner with his wife and kids, and he is standing up in anger. The caption is of his wife saying something along the lines of "Now sit down, and enough of that 'give me potatoes or give me death' nonsense."

How do you say potato soup in spanish?

Try 'patatas paja' ('straw potatoes') - this was recommended by a native Spanish speaker on the forums. Otherwise, describe them by saying 'patatas cortadas en tiras muy finas' (potatoes cut into very thin strips).Note that in Latin America, 'patatas' (potatoes) are usually called 'papas' instead.