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The leader of the Bedouin tribe or clan is called a shaykh.

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Q: What is the leader of the bedouin tribe or clan called?
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Can a scottish valley or glen be called a clan?

no, a clan is like a family or tribe.

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This process can be described as a tribal system of governance, where tribes are led by a single leader or clan. This leader or clan holds authority over the tribe and makes decisions on behalf of its members.

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A group of families claiming a common ancestor is called a tribe or a clan.

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What process can be described as tribes that are led by one leader of a family or clan?

This process can be described as a tribal chiefdom, where one leader from a family or clan holds authority over the tribe. The chief is usually hereditary and makes decisions regarding the tribe's welfare and governance.

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What A group of families claiming a common ancestor is a .?

A group of families having a common ancestor may be called a clan, a tribe, or a clade.

Who is the tribal leader for the Micmac tribe in 1760?

The tribe did not have a single individual leader. Leaders from each "clan" or group were chosen to speak for them at gatherings. The leader was whoever spoke for the group you were dealing with at the time and could be different the next day and in the same location.

Who is the leader of the atakisuksi clan?

The leader of the akatsuki clan is yondaime.Look at youtube The leader of the akatsuki clan is yondaime.Look at youtube

Is a clan bigger than a tribe?

Generally, a clan in a smaller grouping within the tribe. How they are broken down or split is determined by the tribe itself.