The opposite view of what the audience sees.
Audience analysis is a task that is often performed by technical writers in a project's early stages.
Front stage is where the audience can see you, backstage is behind the black curtain, out of sight of audience.
An audience is defined as a group of people watching a show. Therefore, audience participation would be defined as a group of people who participate in the show they are watching.
It is television programming that targets and is made for a limited audience.
The front part of the stage nearest the audience
The demographics of the people that a product or service is designed for.
The term "audience of one" is, first, not a term. "Audience of one" is a phrase. The phrase was made popular for having been used in a song, and, later, as an album title. Rage Against the Machine, a rock band, recorded the song, "Audience of One". They wrote the song as a criticism of current pop music. Sadly, there is no one definition of the phrase.
When there is a difference between what the audience or reader expects and what actually happens.
In theatre, a comment to the audience, which the other actors are not supposed to hear.
When there is a difference between what the audience or reader expects and what actually happens.