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Q: What is the bottom class of the caste system?
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Related questions

What is the fifth class of the caste system?

The Sudras is the 5th class of the Caste System.

Was brahmins a social class of the caste system?

Yes it was the lowest class in the caste system

What is the differene between caste system and class system?

In a class, you can depending how well you do, improve from one class to another class. In the caste system, one is born in a caste, and cannot move to another caste, except by reincarnation

What was the caste system?

The Caste System divided people into groups....the Upper class..THe Middle Class..and The lower class.

The Indian system that places a person in a certain class at birth is the system?

The Indian system that places a person in a certain class at birth is the Caste System. The caste system is a social class system.

Does huddhism believe in cast system?

Hinduism approves social order and class distinction in a caste system. The priests are Brahmins, and are at the top of the cast. The Brahmins are revered in society. The Pariahs are lowly individuals, and are at the bottom of the caste.

What is indias class system called?

the caste system

Class in aryan social system?

caste system

Who is on the outside of the caste system looking in?

The "untouchables", they are the lowest class of the caste system and are often not considered a class because they are not worth mentioning to people.

Why is the caste system a fixed social class system?

The caste system is considered a fixed social class system because it is a hereditary system where individuals are born into a particular caste and their social status is predetermined based on their caste. Movement between castes is traditionally not allowed, resulting in fixed social stratification.

Do Indians believe a caste system is better than a class system?


What is the caste system in a simple answer?

the Hindu social class separation system