There are more than 450 different languages spoken in India, so you would have to be more specific.
If you are talking about Native American Languages, there are more than 700 spoken today. Again, you would need to specify which language you want to translate into.
It depends on which of the hundreds of tribes of Native Americans, but a common Native American language is the Dakota Native American language. Some Native American languages are similar to the Dakota language too, so I'll just tell you it in Dakota.
The Dakota word for wolf spirit is 'shunkahah wanagi'.
Note: The reason why people get confused between calling Indians Native Americans is because Indians are from India. Native Americans are from the United States of America. Christopher Columbus accidentally called the Native Americans he saw Indians, because he thought they looked like they came from India. This website: (See related links) will explain this better than me. Hope this helps!
There is no one "Indian" culture or language. They were and are as different as all the different people that live in Eurasia. The Creek and the Crow and the Hopi and the Haida have as little in common as the Japanese and the Arabs and the French and the Kazakh. Therefore there is no Indian word for spirit.
In Navajo language, Dine' bizaad, the word is níłchʼi. Which can also mean wind or movement of air. In Lakota ghost is wanagi. Soul is nagi. In Haida word S'gana means both "killer whale" and "supernatural power". One's soul in Haida is çáahlaandaay. A type patron spirit is sçánggw. Even in English spirit can mean quite a number of things. In other languages they are not always grouped the same way.
Gray Wolf was given by Changing Woman as a protector to the Tó dích'íinii - Bitter Water Clan. He also was protector to Abalone shell Boy and Doko'o'osliid (San Francisco Peaks), the sacred mountian of the west.
The word for wolf is: mąʼiitsoh
The word for spirit is: níłchʼi
"Wolf spirit" is not a phrase commonly said. To guard over it or watch over it is: bik'i dínísh'į́į́
or: bik'idésh'į́į́
( there are a lot of other ways to say that)
The Old English word for wolf is "wulf."
You would cal a werewolf Amarak, which is the word for wolf, but from context you would understand it to be someone who's spirit animal is wolf.
In Catalan the word ull means "eye", in Faroese, Danish, Icelandic and Old Norse it means "wool".Many unreliable modern "name meaning" web pages claim that Ull is some unspecified form of German for "wolf power" - like most websites of this kind this is entirely false and pure fantasy. In both modern German and Old High German the word for wolf is wolf, as it was in Old Frisian and Dutch. In the Gothic dialect the word was wulfs. There has never been any Germanic language in which the word ull has any connection with the wolf.
Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary was created in 1991.
Not all that easy. You have to either first be either a spirit or a wolf then work from there.
You can make a Spirit Wolf Pouch by using a summoning pouch on a summoning obelisk. Select the spirit wolf pouch, and you will make it, if you have the required items. You need to have 7 spirit shards, a gold charm, and wolf bones in your inventory.
The Old English word was 'wulf' the German was 'wolf' Old Norse was 'ulfr' and Latin was 'Lupus'
There are many words for spirit in Japanese. I am not sure if this is the most suitable translation, but ookami no genkiwould at least literally mean wolf's spirit.
Ookami Yasha or Kaima... I am not exactly sure what the word for spirit is............But too bad because that is the name of my manga
no but mostly their do from wolf spirit or you can call me toxic tears
No, it is not possible to be born with a wolf spirit inside you as this idea is based on folklore and mythology rather than scientific fact. People may feel a deep connection to wolves or identify with their characteristics, but this is more symbolic or metaphorical than a literal possession of a spirit.
A possible translation is tamashii ookami.