The Thai word for survivor is "ผู้รอดชีวิต" (pronounced as phu rod cheewit).
"What is the name of a Inuit snow house?" The Inuit word for an Inuit snow house is Igluvigak.
The word 'survivor' is an English word and has no meaning in Gaelic.
In Inuit, the word "Inuit" means "the people." It is the plural form of "Inuk," which means "person."
The word for survivor in Swahili is "msurvivor".
In Apache, the word for survivor is "gozhqq."
The possessive form for the noun survivor is survivor's.
Inuit word for grandmother is called (Aanak). My father's mother is my Aanak. Inuit word for grandma is called (Anaatsiaq). My mother's mother is my Anaanatsiaq. Each different group of Inuit have their own language. There is no universal Inuit language.
The Alaskan word for white is Kakotok