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The Inuit still exist. They live in the far north, dress warmly, and traditionally eat seafood, and hunt caribou,

since they live in a climate where agriculture is not feasible.

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14y ago

Newly married couples of the inuit people go and live with their husbands family but for one year they would live with the brides family for the husband to work alongside the bride.

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14y ago

They lived in igloos

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The Inuits region is Canada, Alaska, and the Artic

Where the Inuits lived?

The Inuits live in Alaska, Canada, and Greenland.

What did the Inuits use?

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No. Inuits do not play with killer whales.

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The Inuits used animal skins for clothing.

Do the Inuits like to eat cheese?

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The Inuits use Inuit medicine. This is reatrted

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