The word "granddaughter" is one word. Otherwise, it is praising a daughter.
There are 3 Syllables in the word 'granddaughter'.
The Yiddish word for granddaughter is "eynkeltochter."
The Yiddish word for granddaughter is "eynshtayn" (איינשטיין).
In Apache, the word for thunder is "bilasáana."
"Granddaughter" is typically written as one word.
The Russian word for granddaughter is pronounced as "v-nu-ka". The stress is on the first syllable.
The French word for "granddaughter" is "petite-fille".
Note: This is Western Apache. Eastern Apache or other dialects of Apache may be different.The common usage Western Apache words for "grandmother" and "granddaughter" are the same (Shichu or Shiichoo, pronounced shee-choo) and the common usage Western Apache words for "grandfather" and "grandson" (Shiitsooyee, pronounced shee-iht-soo,yee-eh) are also the same.(Nii nahii'maa at'e, ya nahiika'ee at'e.The earth is our Mother, the sky is our Father)--Chado2423----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------shich'íné - my grandmother (father's mother -- woman speaking)shiwóyé - my grandmother (mother's mother)Answer:Chu . you put it in front of the person's namelike Chu Sarah
The word is "bisnieta". Note that "nieta" alone means "granddaughter".
In Apache, the word for survivor is "gozhqq."
In Western Apache: " t'ah hidaa "