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There are many words for kangaroo in the Australian aboriginal language. The Aborigines of Australia had over 250 languages between their 600+ cultural groups prior to European settlement.

The most commonly known word is gangurru. It is the word from which "kangaroo" is derived.

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Raven Altenwerth

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13y ago

There are many words for kangaroo in the Australian aboriginal language. The Aborigines of Australia had over 250 languages between their 600+ cultural groups prior to European settlement.

The most commonly known word is gangurru. It is the word from which "kangaroo" is derived.

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How did the word kangaroo become part of the English language?

The word "kangaroo" is believed to have come from the Aboriginal word gangurru, a Guugu Yimidhirr word referring to the Grey Kangaroo. Captain James Cook's botanist, Sir Joseph Banks, first recorded the word as "kangaru" when the Endeavour was damaged on the Great Barrier Reef near modern-day Cooktown, and required the crew to stay on the mainland for almost 7 weeks repairing their ship. This gave Banks ample time to make copious notes on the fauna and flora, and to be certain of the Aboriginal word for kangaroo, even though he had trouble translating it into written form. It could be that "Kangaroo" is the name of a specific type of kangaroo in one Australian aboriginal language. Europeans applied the name to all similar creatures. The story that the word kangaroo means "I don't know" is a complete myth.

What is the aboriginal name for the red kangaroo?

This depended on the locality in Australia and the aboriginal tribe.The word "kangaroo" itself is believed to have come from the Aboriginal word gangurru, a Guugu Yimidhirr word referring to the Grey Kangaroo. Captain James Cook's botanist, Sir Joseph Banks, first recorded the word as "kangaru" when the Endeavour was damaged on the Great Barrier Reef near modern-day Cooktown, and required the crew to stay on the mainland for almost 7 weeks repairing their ship.Other tribes had different names for the kangaroo, and different words for different species of kangaroo. Some of these other words included:badagarangbanggaraibuduruwulabawularu

Who descoverd kangaroo?

Aboriginal Australians lived in Australia with kangaroo's long before Europeans. Since the Aboriginal people kept no written history, we cannot narrow it down to a single person.

What is an Aboriginal language spoke in Bathurst?

The aboriginal language native to Bathurst is Wiradjuri language.

Where can you find aboriginal legends about a kangaroo and a platypus?

There are surprisingly few Aboriginal legends, or Dreaming stories, featuring the platypus, but see the related link below for one. The other link contains a variety of Aboriginal Dreaming stories, some of which feature the kangaroo.

Is the word kangaroo from Australia?

Yes. The word "kangaroo" is believed to have come from the Aboriginal word gangurru, a Guugu Yimidhirr word referring to the Grey Kangaroo.

What are some meats eaten by the aboriginal people?

Kangaroo, wombat etc.

In art what do aboriganal symbols mean?

The aborigines used symbols in their drawings to represent Dreamtime. If you look on a few different websites, they will explain exactly what each symbol means. I would need a full page to list them all on here.

What is the aboriginal word for freedom?

In what language or aboriginal group? ngunnawal yes