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Nomad is the name; nomadic is the adjective.

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Q: What is a word describing tribal people who have not fixed dwellings and move from place to place?
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Is fixed a describing word?

No, it is a verb. "I fixed the car" where fix is the action of fixing.

What does A S and F S mean when describing a Glock pistol?

AS = adjustable sights. FS = fixed sights.

What is tribal sub plan?

Tribal sub plan is component of state/ central plan that especially meant for development of tribals in scheduled areas. Sectoral allocations are made via respective departments. Plan amount is decided pertaining to the tribal concentration of the area. Besides funds are allocated under Special Central Assistance, Article 275 (i) as a fixed component to tribal sub plan.

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This is significant because it is saying or describing about someone to another

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Identify the different types of electric circuit?

Branch circuits serving more than one outlet or load are limited by the National Electrical Code to three types:Circuits of 15 or 20 A may serve lights and appliances; the rating of one portable appliancemaynot exceed 80% of the circuit capacity; the total rating of fixed appliances may not exceed 50% of circuit capacity if lights or portable appliances are also supplied.Circuits of 30 A may serve fixed lighting units with heavy-duty lampholders in other than dwellings or appliances in any occupancy.Circuits of 40 or 50 A may serve fixed lighting with heavy-duty lampholders in other than dwellings, fixed cooking appliances, or infrared heating units.

When a Unexpected inflation will have biggest impact on what people?

people with a fixed income

What are sedentary and nomadic cultures?

A sedentary culture is a society that has fixed dwellings. Our present day houses and cities are an example of our rather sedentary culture - we mostly tend to live in a fixed place. A nomadic culture is a society that does not stay in one place for long, and is always on the move. Our ancient ancestors, being hunter - gatherers, are a good example of a nomadic culture.

What do you mean byvstates of matter?

Putting it simply. There are 3 states of matter with distinct properties: Solid: fixed volume and shape. Liquid: fixed volume but will flow to fill a container. Gas: volume is not fixed and it will expand to fill the container it is in. In some vases this classification breaks down and there is a whole area of chemistry/physics dedicated to describing and classifying such cases.

What is the term describing a social group that someone is born into and cannot change?

The term describing a social group that someone is born into and cannot change is "ascribed status." This refers to characteristics such as race, gender, and social class that are assigned to individuals at birth and usually remain fixed throughout their lives.

How do you get a bikini on AllGirlArcade people?

they removed it or "fixed" it now