The first thing that comes to my mind when I think of a large crowd is a mob. If that is not a good word choice, then how about throng?
The standard collective noun for a group of unruly people is a mob of people.
A three-letter word for an unruly crowd is a "mob." The term "mob" typically refers to a disorderly or riotous group of people who are acting aggressively or destructively. The word is often used to describe a large and chaotic gathering that is difficult to control.
Hooligan? Rebellious? Spirited?
They told me that Jack's behavior had become increasingly unruly, that he had run around half naked, like a savage, and that he had killed two other boys. The police were worried that the large crowd of spectators might grow unruly.
A baluba is an Irish term used for an unruly or wild person.
The bartender looked up. Tonight's crowd seemed a tad more unruly than normal. "Quiet down!" he called to the patrons.
HE iS CAlleD ZIGzAG BECause oF HIS LOng ZIgzAG NECK! AnsweRed by an AnOnyMous PerSon With A KeYboaRD ProBLeM.
· useful · unselfish · unruly · upbeat · unbiased
Unruly Child was created in 1991.
A hooligan is a person who displays unruly, destructive, aggressive and bullying behaviour. The term is most commonly used for football (soccer) supporters who misbehave.