Yes she belongs to jammu. Her original name is Sushila Charak. Charak caste belongs to Dogra Rajputs. Salman has also declared that her mother belongs to jammu.
Purba Rgyal is 179 cm.
The population of Purba Tajpur is 6,276.
The population of Pipra - Purba - is 2,746.
Dhanakaul Purba's population is 5,089.
Salgotra's are dhiman brahmins belonging to kandi area of punjab & jammu.
yes manhas is schedule caste
It's niether sc and nor OBC it is general
Theodore Purba has written: 'Sintaksis bahasa Tobati' 'Sintaksis bahasa Gresi'
Salgotra's are Vaidhik Brahman / Dhiman Brahmans mostly found in Punjab and jammu region.
Jatav, also called Jatia, Jatba and in the Jammu region Jatoi, is a sub-caste of the Chamar[1] Scheduled Caste (SC) in India.Jatavs claimed to be Rajputs, members of the Kshatriya (warrior-class) origin and rank, and they organized caste associations to reform caste behavior and lobby for their claims. In the 1931 census they demanded to be enumerated as Jatav-Rajputs
Jathere of Dhawan caste are located at Jhiri, Jammu. Our Kul Devi are Bus Dati Ji ( Maa Vaishno) and our Kul evta are Baba Jitomal Ji