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Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) stands for Lesbian - A girl that is attracted to other girls, Gay (A.K.A Homosexual) - A guy that is attracted to other guys, Bisexual - A gender (girl or guy) that is attracted to both genders, and Transgender - A guy or girl who believes that they were born as the wrong gender.. E.g. A boy that feels they should have been born as a girl.


Hey, sorry, but you kinda got it wrong on transgender...

Transgender means that the person who is transgender does not think they fit into the binary genders (girl, guy). That person can feel uncomfortable in their bodies and want to be the opposite sex, making them a transsexual. So, basically, a transgender is somebody who does not fit into the binary genders, making them non-binary :)

~a random tranny

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