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The arrival of Europeans to the America introduced the new diseases to natives such as the Iroquios. The natives had a weak immune system to these diseases because they and their ancestors were never exposed to them before.

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Q: What happened to the Iroquois after European contact why?
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What happened to the Iroquois after European contact?

their society and rights were demolished after the european contaxct and from then on it was completly diffwerent

Why didn't the Iroquois eat cow?

Iroquois never raised cows. Cows were brought in from the European settlers and raised by the European immigrants, not by the Iroquois themselves.

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nothing had happend cause you never lived

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Who where the first Europeans to make contact with Iroquois?

Well there was an explorer who made contact with them he was an European and his name was Jacques Cartier thats all i Know Thank YOU VERY MUCH

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Many things happened to the European Empire and what truly happened was that it was near a collapse.

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Many things happened to the European Empire and what truly happened was that it was near a collapse.

The Iroquois confederacy sided with which European power during the french-Indian war?

The British.

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The Dutch traded muskets to them. I'm not sure when that happened though.

What things did the Iroquois trade and what did they get in return?

The Iroquois traded corn and steak from the river. They got money in return thank you

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What will happen would have happened (to all European countries:become a federation).