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Q: What ethnic groups live in the mountains of turkey and Iraq?
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What ethnic group lives in the mountains in Iraq?

There are quite a number of ethnicities in the mountains of northern Iraq, but the most numerous and most famous is the KURDS. Other ethnic groups in northern Iraq include: Assyrians, Arabs, Turkmen/Turcoman, Shabakis, and Yezidis.

What are Turkey's ethnic groups?

The main ethnic groups in Turkey are Turks, Kurds, Arabs, and others such as Circassians, Bosniaks, and Albanians. Turks make up the majority of the population, while Kurds are the largest minority group. These ethnic groups have diverse cultures, languages, and histories.

What is a kurd?

A people .Their origin is Kurdistan mountains in Western of they live in Iran , Turkey and Iraq

What are two major ethnic groups in Iraq?

Arabs and Kurds

What are the two major ethnic groups in Iraq?

Arabs and Kurds!

What are the ethnic groups of Iraq?

The main ethnic groups in Iraq are Arabs, Kurds, and Turkmen. Arabs are the majority and are predominantly located in central and southern Iraq. Kurds are the second-largest group and reside primarily in the northern regions. Turkmen, also known as Turcoman, are a smaller ethnic group mainly found in the north and have Turkic origins. Additionally, Iraq is home to several smaller ethnic communities, including Assyrians, Yazidis, and Chaldeans.

Which ethnic group lives in the mountain region where Syria turkey Iran and Iraq come together?

The Kurds.

What ethnic group lacks its own country lives in turkey and Iraq and is often subject to discrimination?


What are the two main ethnic groups in Iraq?

Arabians aprox. 80 % Kurds aprox. 15 % Turks aprox. 2 %

What ethnic group is concentrated in the northern part of Iraq?

There are several ethnic groups that fit this requirement, but the KURDS are the most numerous and most famous.

What ethnic group is concentrated in northern part of Iraq?

There are several ethnic groups that fit this requirement, but the KURDS are the most numerous and most famous.

Which ethnic group has a homeland in parts of Turkey Iraq and Iran?

The Kurdish people have a homeland that spans parts of Turkey, Iraq, and Iran. They are an ethnic minority group and have historically faced challenges in seeking autonomy and recognition within these countries.