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Q: What does opichi kwe mean?
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How do you say You're Welcome in Mohawk Indian?

In Mohawk, you say "kwe kwe" to mean "You're welcome."

How do you pronounce kwe kwe?

"Kwe kwe" is pronounced as "kweh-kweh", with the emphasis on the first syllable.

What does O-kwa-ga-la-kwe mean?

O-kwa-ga-la-kwe is written like this to show the syllables in Chris Tomlin's song Love. It is actually Okwagala kwe. Okwagala means Love (to; each other) in Luganda, a language spoken in Uganda, Africa.

How do you say hello in mohak language?

I guess you mean Mohawk, one of the Iroquoian languages.The general Mohawk greeting is kwe kwe. This is only used when meeting someone for the first time.Kwe kwe, skennenko:wa ken? means "hello, how are you?".When you later meet that person again, "hello again" is she:kon.

What is the KWm value for 801 KVA?

kWe = (kWm -Fp) x ha or kWe = kWm x 0.90 x 0.95 (<10L engine) kWe = (kWm -Fp) x ha or kWe = kWm x 0.95 x 0.95(>10L engine) kWe = kVa x 0.8

What does O-kwa-ga-la-kwe mean in Chris Tomlins song?

i think it means love is the answer.

What is the word for hello in algonquin?


What KWe stand for?

Kilowatt of electricity

How do you say hello in Mi'kmaq?


What are some Algonquin greetings?

Hello - Kwe Kwe Thank you - megwich

How do you say hello in Wampanoag?

kwe pronounced - kway

How do you say 'hi' in Mi'kmaq?

There are many ways to say hello or greet someone in Mi'kmaq. One way is to say it is Pjila'si English sound = [ eep chi Laa si ] The answer above is in fact 'welcome', Hi in mikmaq is Kwe' (G-wai).