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Society where people of many racial origins live and work together.

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Q: What does multiethnic society mean?
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What kind of society does Bulgaria have?

Democratic, Multiethnic, pluralistic

What does multiethnic mean?

Multiethnic refers to a group or society that consists of individuals from diverse ethnic backgrounds or belonging to different ethnic groups. It emphasizes the cultural diversity and unique identities that exist within a given community or population.

When was Multiethnic Indigenist Party created?

Multiethnic Indigenist Party was created in 1998.

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Multiethnic Party for Coast Unity was created in 2000.

Why is Israel's population so multiethnic at the moment?

Israel's population is so multiethnic at the moment because Jews have emigrated from all over the world.

What is the synonym for multiethnic?

integrated; rainbow; melting-pot

Is Poland a multiethnic nation?

Barely. 97% are natives.

Why is the United states considered a multiethnic country?

All of the above (Apex)

What was one of the most serious problems facing Gorbachev's reforms?

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The multiethnic republics

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What do you mean by term Healthy society

What did Sargon accomplished?

Sargon was one of the first rulers that established laws. He was also as the first to create a truly multiethnic kingdom.