Tomak/Apu'nak MIss Ko'risu .. (In Present Tense) the original is -'Tumarloi monot porise'
val has no meaning in Hebrew.
Val or Justina.
i think you mean val and that means well boy friend or girl frind
Val Emmich's birth name is Val Matthew Emmich.
Val McDow's birth name is Val Troy McDow.
Val Gielgud's birth name is Val Henry Gielgud.
Val Kilmer's birth name is Val Edward Kilmer.
The word "valet" is pronounced as "val-ay" or "val-it" in English.
I think you mean a "Valet". (val AY).
inter =val means the lowest number no the same number
Val Sotto's birth name is Val Mar Castelo Sotto.