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Eskimos live in the Arctic where there are no penguins (penguins are found in the Antarctic) so they don't call them anything.

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Q: What do eskimos call penguins?
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Why are penguins not hunted by eskimos?

Because they are on completely different sides of the equator.

Why eskimos don't hunt penguins?

Because there aren't any penguins around to hunt.

Why won't a starving eskimo eat a penguin egg?

Eskimos live in the Arctic (North Pole region) and the penguins live in the Antarctic (South Pole region), they are in opposite sides of the Earth.Eskimos live in or near the Arctic circle in the northern hemisphere. Penguins are found on Antarctica and surrounding islands in the southern hemisphere. They are very far apart. This, of course, does not prove Eskimos will not eat penguin, as they could import penguin meat (if it is legal) or travel to Antarctica to eat penguin.

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Eskimos are very good hunters but they dont hunt penguins why?

Eskimos or Esquimaux are indigenous peoples who have traditionally inhabited the circumpolar region from eastern Siberia (Russia), across Alaska (United States) and Canada, and Greenland. Penguins are a group of aquatic, flightless birds living almost exclusively in the southern hemisphere, especially in Antarctica. As you can see the thousands of miles between them make it impossible a penguin can be killed by an Eskimo.

Do only penguins live in igloos?

Penguins do not live in igloos. Eskimos, who live at the north polar regions, live in igloos. Penguins live in the southern polar regions. There are very few people, and no igloos, at the south pole.

What do you call people that live in igloos?

Eskimos or inuits.

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Do penguins live in a igloo?

No, penguins do not live in igloos. Penguins build their nests out of stones, ice, or other materials on land or rocky cliffs. Igloos are typically associated with Arctic-dwelling people like the Inuit, not with Antarctic-dwelling penguins.