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Q: What did the Europeans do differently than the aboriginal?
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What were the aboriginal people called by the Europeans?

the hoolagoons

Why did the Europeans think it was a good idea to change the way of life of the Aboriginal people of Cananda?

European settlement change the lives of the aboriginal people by displacing them from many places and by bringing in new customs. The aboriginal people were often forced to change to adapt to having the Europeans there.

How did aboriginal people feel about the Europeans homes?

too big

What was it like for the aboriginal people on the day the Europeans Arrived?


Why didn't the Europeans know about aboriginal culture?

Quite simply, Europeans had never come across the aboriginal people before. Australia is a relatively young country, having only been discovered by Europeans in the 1600s, and neither the Portuguese nor the Dutch showed sufficient interest in the continent to take the time to get to know the people. The Europeans perceived themselves as superior to the aboriginal people.

What happened when cultures collided between the Aboriginals and Europeans?

When Aboriginal cultures collided with Europeans, there were significant conflicts and misunderstandings due to differences in values, beliefs, and customs. Europeans brought diseases, which decimated Aboriginal populations. The introduction of new technologies and resources also disrupted Aboriginal ways of life, leading to the loss of traditional practices and livelihoods.

How did Germans feel differently than other Europeans about the war?

They ate bacon burgers, but the Europeans didn't like that so they ate German's plant that they hated, which was gummy worms. It was a horrible sight.

Why are aboriginal people racist?

People who are different have a tendency to cause fear in others. Aboriginal people sometimes dress or appear differently causing some trepidation.

Were Indians in Canada and who were they?

there were many aboriginal tribes in Canada way back when. there are still aboriginal people in Canada today. when the europeans came over a LONG time ago, 90% died due to sickness and lack of food (the europeans killed all the animals)

Who occupied Quebec before the europeans?

Various aboriginal tribes includings the Hurons, Iroquois, Algonquins and Crees.

What best describes the effect of Europe on aboriginal people's?

Europeans attempted to westernize many of their children (Apex)

Who descoverd kangaroo?

Aboriginal Australians lived in Australia with kangaroo's long before Europeans. Since the Aboriginal people kept no written history, we cannot narrow it down to a single person.