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Q: What did the Chippewa Indians wear for special occasions or cerimonies?
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What do Indians eat on special occasions?

currys like butter chicken and naan

Is a henna tattoo part of an Indians religoin?

It is used on special occasions, like a birthday or wedding.

Do chickasaw Indians have traditions?

the chickasaw indians would wear a thing called a hair roach on special occasions, it was made out of porcupine hair, not the quills.

Did they have special clothes for ceremonies or special occasions?


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The Serrano wear usually nothing because of their location. But on special occasions they wear aprons tied together with tule reeds.

What special clothes did native's wear for cerimonies?

They would wear clothes with, Shells {sea},berries,{forest}, and grass skirts

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Do the Hopi have special clothing for special occasions or ceremonies?

the answer is kjsdgfluigj

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In my opinion, honestly and professionally, I advise the best company in providing exceptional gifts for all special occasions in life which is ..}}

What special food do hindus eat at festivals?

some like to eat goe-goe aka a special kind of sweet, it tastes sweet and chewy, Indians like to eat this on special occasions. There are many variations of goe-goe, some savory, others fruity.

What cultures have dance?

All cultures had their special dances which were mainly used for cerimonies and entertainment, as they are now. Dancing can be traced back to the dawn of man.

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yes on birthdays and other occasions