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Genesis 49 tells what Jacob told each one of his sons. Deuteronomy is another reference, which is Moses' final speech to Israel before his death. Then you can find more in the book of Joshua.

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Q: What did God tell each of the 12 tribes to do?
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What is the significance of the 12 stones of the priest?

The 12 stones of the priest represent the 12 tribes of Israel. They were worn on the breastplate of the high priest in the biblical tradition as a symbol of unity and connection between the tribes and God. They served as a reminder of God's covenant and the importance of community and faith.

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Jacob, also known as Israel, was the father of the heads of the 12 Tribes of Israel. He had 12 sons who became the founders of the 12 tribes.

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The number twelve signifies a divine organizational arrangement. For example, there were 12 tribes of Israel and 12 apostles. In each case, the arrangement was instituted by God.

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Ancient Israel had 12 Tribes, each descended from a different son of Jacob.JudahIssacharZebulunReubenSimeonGadEphraimManessehBenjaminDanAsherNaphtali

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According to The Bible there were 12 Hebrew tribes.(Genesis 49:1-28) Jacob fathered 12 sons and each became the paternal head of a family. These families became the 12 tribes of Israel (the Hebrews).

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The leaders of the 12 tribes of Israel in the Old Testament and the 12 apostles of the lamb in the New Testament.

Which of the two lands of Solomon remained faithful to God?

According to tradition, Hosea 12:1 is saying that the kingdom of Judah was more loyal to God than that of the Ten Tribes. This is why God allowed Judah to return to the Holy Land after the brief Babylonian exile, but the Ten Tribes were lost.

When did the 12 tribes of Israel begin?

The 12 tribes of Israel can be traced back to the 12 sons of Jacob (who was also known as Israel) as described in the Bible, around the 18th century BCE. Each son became the ancestor of one of the tribes, forming the basis of the Israelite nation.

How many tribes formed the northern kingdom?

10 tribes are generally thought to have formed the Northern Kingdom but a few of each tribe (all 12) were in both kingdoms

Where in the Bible does God tell us to much is given much is required?

It is not God who says it, it is Saint Luke, in Luke 12:48.

Why were the 144000 sealed in the book of Revelation now I want to know why?

It's not to be understood literally. The number is spiritual representing completeness. Remember the 12 tribes of Israel. Also the 12 apostles.12 x 12 is 144. However the bible does appear to lean towards a number which could represent the amount God chose to salvation. It is found in revelations 9-16 . If there were ever a number, this 200 million is much more likely to be the number God chose. read your bible and pray always. There is but a short time left.AnswerThey are literally 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes. That's because that's what the Bible tells us it is.

Who is in charge of Israel?

GOD --The one True GOD, YHWH. GOD spoke to Abraham telling him to leave Ur & Haran, that he would make him a father of Great Nations. Abraham had Isaac, Isaac had Jacob, Jacob ( aka Israel ) had 12 sons making the 12 tribes of Israel.