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Arturo Auer

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2y ago
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8y ago

I think what you are referring to is the Native Totem pole. The Inuit did not traditionally carve totem poles. The Inuit lived in the high Arctic, above the tree line, and would not have had the materials to do such a thing. The furthest north you would find a tribe who did carve totem would be some of the Athabaskan tribes of southern Alaska.

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Q: What are the wooden poles the Inuits used to tell their families history?
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What were the tall wooden poles call that Inuit used to record their family history?


What does poles carved of wood make?

plain wooden poles

Do Inuits have totem poles in their culture?

No, that would have been the Native Alaskan Indians.

What roles do totem poles play in native culture?

The role that the totem poles play is that they summon the spirits of your totem and then your totems will always be with you and they will help you.

What are the Alaska wooden poles carved and painted with symbols called?

Totem Poles.

How did the Mayans built there home?

The Mayans built there homes out of limestone or hardened mud and long wooden poles. First they set the up the wooden poles equally spaced out in an oval or circular shape, and once they did that they put a few wooden poles slanted on top of the wooden poles they just placed there to support the slanted hay roof. Second they put the limestone or hardened mud around the wooden poles at the bottom. Then last they put the hay on the slanted roof.

What is tipis made from?

Animal skin and wooden poles

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Cree people lived in big tents called tipis made of wooden poles and buffalo skins. people would give them the wooden poles for there b-day and the more poles you had, the older you are.

what poles are unlike a magnet?

Wooden poles are unlike a magnet because they do not exhibit magnetic properties. Unlike magnets, wooden poles do not have a north and south pole that attract or repel each other based on their orientation. Instead, wooden poles are non-conductive and do not interact with magnetic fields.

How do you get the wooden pole on cryptids island?

You don't get any wooden poles. There is nothing you really need one for.

Can fishing poles break in the rain?

Unless they are alreay old rotten wooden poles, they shouldn't break in the rain. :)

How did Inuits get there food?

they used harpoons throwing them into the ocean like fishing poles or like spears to kill the narwhales so they can get eaten