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Pitched and unpitched instruments.

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Q: What are the two percussion groups?
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Related questions

How can the Percussion Section can be divided into two groups?

Pitched and unpitched percussion.

How can the percussion instrument be divided into two groups?

strings and nonstring instruments

What two catorgries are there in percussion?

Percussion instruments can be categorized into two main groups: pitched percussion and unpitched percussion. Pitched percussion instruments produce definite pitches, such as xylophones and marimbas, while unpitched percussion instruments produce indefinite pitches, such as drums and cymbals.

What set of groups are the drums in?


What are the six instrument groups?

Percussion Woodwind Brass Strings I know I'm missing two but I'll update my answer as soon as I can.

What is the difference between the two groups of percussion pitched and unpitched?

Pitched percussion instruments produce specific musical notes, like xylophones and marimbas. Unpitched percussion instruments, such as cymbals and tambourines, do not produce specific pitches and are used for rhythm and texture in music.

What musical groups don't use percussion?


What groups does the xylophone play in?

The xylophone is an instrument which belongs to the percussion instrument.

What are the different instrumental groups?

There are four (4) groups of instruments: Strings, Woodwinds, Brass and Percussion.

What are the musical instrument groups?

Woodwind, brass, strings, percussion.

What are two types of percussion instruments?

The two types of percussion instruments are pitched percussion and unpitched percussio n; pictch percussion produces a note and an audiable pitch, whereas unpitched percussion merely produces a note.

What are the three main groups in orchestra?

To narrow it down to three groups, it would be strings, winds, and percussion.