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eagle, wolf, buffalo, bear

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Q: What are the 4 sacred animals ojibwa?
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What were Demeter's sacred animals?

Her sacred animals are: The Serpent The Pig Her Sacred bird is: The Screech Owl

What is Helen of troys sacred animals?

Helen isn't a goddess, thus no animals are sacred to her.

What were Demeter's animals?

Her sacred animals are: The Serpent The Pig Her Sacred bird is: The Screech Owl

What are Sacred Animals?

animals worshipped as deities themselves

Do Jews have a sacred animal?

No, Jews do not hold any animals as sacred. However, there is symbolic significance to some animals.

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What was Hera animal and symbol?

Hera's sacred animals are the peacock, and the cow. The peacock is most sacred.

What was hera's sacred animals?

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What are sacred animals to jehovah's witnesses?

There are none.