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The Nez Perce Indians are mainly located in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. The Nez Perce Indians have a few different religions. One religion is Christianity and another is Seven Drum.

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10y ago

Some beliefs and traditions of the Nez Perce tribes included the belief that a child should not be named until he or she was about six or seven years old. The child would be named in a way that described something striking about his or her personality or appearance. Men often had names with strong animals in them while women had names with trees, plants, and other earth items.

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11y ago

spirits called Wyakins protect their person until death. all things are sacred.Wyakins can be a bird or other kinds of animals.a person between the age of 13-15 can travel in a mountain or forest until they see a animal that can be a Wayakakin. in vision,trance,or phyicly. they can't have any food or much water on the trip. they have to be alone.

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When did the Nez Perce live?

The Nez Perce lived in what is now the Northwest of the US at the time the earliest European explorers got there. The Nez Perce are still alive today.