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What age do aboriginal children start hunting

The aboriginal children started hunting at around age 8.

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Q: What age did the aboriginals start hunting?
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yes they did because the aboriginals used the bow and arrow for hunting, as a weapon sometimes, and divination ceremonies.

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Lion cubs typically start practicing hunting skills around 6-9 months of age by stalking and pouncing on prey in play. They remain dependent on their mother for hunting and feeding until around 18 months of age, when they start participating in actual hunts with the pride. Full independence in hunting is usually achieved around 2-3 years of age.

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Under 12

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If they are planning on hunting you should start them early. 9 would be a good age

Which tools did the Aboriginals use to hunt emus and possums?

they used boomerangs for hunting kangaroos and emus.

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The inuit have whale hunting as a collective right they are allowed to hunt as they wish.

When did Aboriginals start painting?

30,000 to 40,000 years ago. :)

How did the aboriginals settle down?

the aboriginals setted all over Australia it is believed that the aboriginal people migrated from India nearing the ice age

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When did politics start in Canada?

??? It was always there. The aboriginals had a complex political system.