"Dibé" means sheep in Navajo. The second syllable is high tone. Navajo is a tonal language
The Navajo word for sky is yá. Or yádiłhił or yá'ąąsh.
Navajo comes from Tewa to spanish to english. It means " ones farming in valley fields".
sun rays
The word for Thanksgiving in Navajo is: Tązhii Daʼaghał which means "turkey they are eating it". Or Késhmish Yázhí which means "little Christmas"
The Navajo word, "Bilaganaana" means White Man of White person.
The Navajo use the same terms to mean both the Sioux and the Comanche:naałani or anaałaninaa means enemies, łani means "many"
it means "my older brother"
It is not Navajo, it is Potawatomi. The modern spelling is "gimoozaabi", and it means "faithful friend" in Potawatomi.
The navajo word for ancient enemy or ancient one is anasazi
The Navajo term means "food room": ch'iiyáán áł'įįgone'or : ch'iiyáán 'ál'íní góneor: ch'iiyáán 'ál'į́į́gi
Diné means people, man, or person in Dine' bizaad ( Navajo language). The mark over the e means it is high tone. Navajo is a tonal language. Sometimes people write it in English: Dineh because that is a little more how it sounds.