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Q: What Cult wear black robes and faces painted white?
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If the outside of a 1000 centimetre cube is painted black how many of the small white cubes would have 0 faces painted black?

0 - you said it's only 1 cube even if it's a big one

Do objects painted black dry faster than painted white?

yes objects painted black dry faster than those painted white because the black absorbs more heat than the white

What is a robe called a judge wears?

There isn't any specific name for the robes, but they call it black-and-white robes.

Who invented the black and white keyboard?

Elisha Gray invented the black and white keyboard in 1874. The Major keys were painted white and the minor keys were painted black.

What colour robes does a vicar wear at a funeral christian religion?

A vicar typically wears black robes for a funeral service in the Christian religion. These robes are a sign of respect for the deceased and their loved ones.

In which era did people paint their faces white?

There have been many cultural eras in history. The era in which people painted their faces white was called the Geisha period of Japan.

Why do judges wear red white and black robes?

The color scheme of red, white, and black for judges' robes is traditional and symbolizes authority, impartiality, and justice. The colors also provide a sense of formality and seriousness to the courtroom proceedings.

Why are lighthouses painted black and white?

A lighthouse may be painted black and white to help it stand out more, so it can be seen during the daytime by ships at sea.

Is the Picador only painted in black and white?


Why do priest were a black coat?

They dont. They wear red and white robes. Unless your not referring to Catholics?

What music genre was KISS part of?

Tha band KISS is part of is classic rock. They were introduced to America in 1973. Kiss is known for their black attire and white painted faces while on stage.

What color was the great white fleet painted?

Blue or black