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Culture is the way of life for people who share similar beliefs and customs.

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Q: Way of life based on shared beliefs and customs?
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What does custom mean?

Language, religious beliefs, values, customs and other ways of life shared by a group of people.

A culture is based largely on and of a group of people?

Apex lol behaviors and beliefs

What make up a culture?

the way of life of a people, including their daily habits, beliefs, and arts

What is a persons way of life including beliefs customs food dwellings and clothing?

A person's way of life.

Culture is a distinctive way of life?

Yes, culture encompasses the beliefs, behaviors, and values shared by a group of individuals. It includes language, traditions, customs, and social norms that shape how people interact and understand the world around them.

What term describes music language clothing and other aspects of human life?

Culture is the term that describes music, language, clothing, and other aspects of human life that are shared by a group of people. It encompasses the values, beliefs, customs, and practices that define a society or community.

What is a scientist who studies and compares the customs beliefs and ways of life of different groups of people?

an anthropologist

What shared factors make up a culture?

Shared factors that make up a culture include beliefs, values, language, traditions, customs, arts, and social norms that are transmitted from one generation to another within a specific community or group. These elements help shape the identity and way of life of that culture.

How do Japanese woodblock prints reflect the beliefs of customs of the culture?

They represent the Buddhist belief in the transience of life.

How do Japanese woodblock prints reflect the beliefs or customs of the culture?

They represent the Buddhist belief in the transience of life.

What term means the total of knowledge attitudes and behaviors shared by and passed on by the members if a specific group?

The term that describes the total of knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors shared and passed on by the members of a specific group is "culture." This includes beliefs, customs, language, traditions, and ways of life that are learned and transmitted from one generation to the next within a particular society.

What is the way of life of a group of people with similar customs and beliefs?
