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Q: The caste system is a result of influence.?
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Is the caste system a result of Hindu influence?


What is the caste system a result of what influence?

hinduNOVA NET: **Aryan**

what caste system is a result of what influence?

hinduNOVA NET: **Aryan**

What was the result of siddhartha gautamas rejection of the Hindu caste system?

Answer this question… What was the result of Siddhartha Gautama's rejection of the Hindu Caste System?

The caste system is a result of what influence?

The caste system in India is a social hierarchy that has largely been influenced by traditional Hindu beliefs and practices. The system assigns individuals to different social groups based on their birth, leading to stratification and discrimination. Cultural, historical, and socioeconomic factors have also played a role in perpetuating the caste system over time.

Was the development of the caste system in India the result of the Aryan Conquest?

yes it was

Is the caste system legal in India?

The caste system is not legally sanctioned in India, as discrimination based on caste is prohibited under the Indian Constitution. However, the caste system continues to have a strong influence on Indian society despite legal prohibitions.

Which of the country has a caste system?

India is well-known for its caste system, a social stratification based on inherited status. The caste system in India determines a person's social status from birth and can influence various aspects of their life, such as occupation and marriage.

What religion believes in the caste system?

Hinduism is the religion most commonly associated with the caste system. This system places individuals into social groups based on their birth, with positions ranging from the highest caste (Brahmins) to the lowest caste (Dalits). While the caste system is more traditionally associated with Hinduism, it has also had historical influence in other South Asian societies.

How did Hindu belief supports the caste system?

Hindu beliefs about rebirth and karma are tied to the caste system. The Hindu people believe that a persons caste is a result of karma and that deeds in past lives are responsible for ones current position (in the caste).

How did the caste system influence the traditional rural Indian society?

limits all the social and economic progress

How did the Hindu concepts of Dharma Karma the Caste system and reincarnation influence the Indian literature and culture?

you in mrs.Jones class?