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Q: The banding together of ethnic groups in a search for greater independence and self determination resulted from an increasing feeling of what?
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How does the Declaration of Independence bring us together?

It brings us together by the freedom you get.

What resulted from the first experimental effort that established the idea of groups of elements?

Dmitri Mendeleev's first experimental effort in organizing elements into groups resulted in the periodic table of elements. His table arranged elements in order of increasing atomic mass, with elements exhibiting similar properties grouped together. This laid the foundation for our modern understanding of the periodicity of chemical elements.

What was Martin Luther King Jr's determination?

It was to bring white and black people together and have peace

Accumulate ?

Gather together or acquire an increasing number or quantity of.

Why is the spread of malaria increasing?

There has been increasing resistance of mosquitoes to DDT. The P. falciparum became resistant to chloroquine. These two problems together was responsible for increasing the cases of malaria.

Is there a gene for determination?

There isn't a single gene responsible for determination, as it is a complex trait influenced by multiple genetic and environmental factors. Traits like determination are believed to be polygenic, meaning they are controlled by multiple genes working together. Additionally, personal experiences and upbringing also play a significant role in shaping an individual's level of determination.

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162662053 , This number is constantly increasing

The Boston Massacre resulted when a group of people got together to protest what they saw as?

military occupation

What is accumulated activity?

Accumulated means gathering together or an increasing number of or quantity.

Why did African American fight for and against independence from great Britain?

how the american colonist eork together against great britian to fight for independence

Prime author of declaration of independence?

The prime author of the Declaration of Independence was Thomas Jefferson. This was authored together with the committee appointed to draft the document.

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Led the war for South American independence.