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Subsistence living is the maintaining or supporting oneself at a minimal level fulfilling basic survival needs to meet nutritional and cultural need with the primary idea to maintain harmony and balance with the land. Subsistence living is defined by the fact that it must not be bought or sold or enter the commercial exchange chain but must be gathered or hunted solely for individual or specific tribal use.

For example certain tribal groups are allowed to hunt endangered creatures like dugongs or whales if they have a cultural history of doing so.The primary means of subsistence varies with each tribal group depending on their culture and environment.Their primary means of subsistence have always been the native flora and fauna available such as wallaby,kangaroo, emus ,native fruits, nuts yams,witchetty grubs, moths,bush-honey, lizards ,snakes and seeds .However coastal aborigines have a very different diet to those inhabiting the desert or in land bush and their diets may include shellfish ,turtles,seals and fish.

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The aborigines primary means of subsistence was

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